Making Magic Happen: Lynn and Scott Molitor

By Susie Robinson

Lynn and Scott Molitor have been a part of the First Stage family for the past 7 years. As the previous owners of and founders of the Molitor Foundation, they have been able to share their time, talent, and treasure with many outstanding organizations throughout Milwaukee and other parts of the country. During this season of giving, they took a moment to share with First Stage about their passion and the reasons why they give.

Lynn and Scott Molitor
Tell us about yourselves.

We learned the importance of giving back to the communities where we live and work when we were young employees at Northwestern Mutual. When we became business owners of, we worked to inspire our employees to do the same.

After we sold our business two years ago, we took measures to assure that our relationship with a few key organizations would remain strong. We are happy to be sponsoring First Stage’s production of Roald Dahl’s MATILDA The Musical this season and hope that many school groups and families will enjoy the production. It is our hope that this musical will inspire future young performers to become involved in all that First Stage has to offer—through their Theater Academy classes and Theater in Education programs.

What inspires you to support First Stage?

Overall, we are inspired by an organization’s mission, the constituents that they serve, the passion of their leaders, and their financial sustainability.

We originally got involved with First Stage because we thought it would be a win-win. First Stage transforms lives by creating extraordinary theater experiences for young people and families. We felt that their mission would be both appealing and life-changing for our employees and their young families, our customers as well as our community. And, who doesn’t like RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEERâ„¢ around the Holidays? Though, we soon learned that First Stage is so much more than a beloved stop-motion classic, and our relationship with them has only become stronger over the years. 

First Stage is a model organization that other cities would like to replicate, and we are truly fortunate to have them in our community. For instance, First Stage’s Theater Academy provides a positive atmosphere that enables our community’s young people to take positive risks and to fully be themselves. Through the Academy, young people build self-esteem and learn life skills such as collaboration, empathy, creative thinking, and focus. Regardless of age, we could all benefit from such an environment! Our wish is that more and more young people can take advantage of First Stage’s programs, because the life lessons that First Stage is teaching them will translate into their future success, which will, in turn, benefit us all.

We have also enjoyed getting to know First Stage’s leadership over the years. We are not only confident that they will be fiscally responsible with our donations but we are also inspired by their passion for First Stage’s mission—it is truly infectious! From First Stage’s Production Department, to the Theater Academy and Theater in Education programs, to their actors young and old, we are in awe of their talents and inspired to support them as best we can.

What other interests do you support?

The Molitor Foundation is blessed to be able to give back to our community. We are happy to sponsor Live @ Peck, at the Marcus Center, the free outdoor summer entertainment series. Be sure to check out their DanceMKE dance competition next summer. Instituto Cultural de Danza// Cultural Institute of Dance are the reigning champs!

We believe that access to nutritious food is a right for all people so we are also passionate supporters of Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin. A person’s potential should never be compromised by hunger.

We also support George Washington’s Mount Vernon. By practicing our patriotic philanthropy, it is our hope that we can help secure Washington’s home and legacy for future generations to come.

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