Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
By Jenny Loeffler
To celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, we asked our Facebook friends to tell us about their favorite and most inspirational teachers. Here are some of the responses that we got:
My most inspirational teacher was Mr. Levin – tenth grade World History. He had
my two – very smart – sisters before me. He taught me that I could not only
work to their potential – but exceed what they had done before me. I worked my
fanny off – got an ‘A’ in the class – and I’m a much better Jeopardy player now
because of it!
To celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, we asked our Facebook friends to tell us about their favorite and most inspirational teachers. Here are some of the responses that we got:
Chelsea: My favorite teacher is actually my son’s seventh grade special
education teacher. She’s the best curriculum-adapting, re-teaching,
flexible-minded teacher my son has EVER had! Now that he’s heading into eighth
grade, and age 14 is the “transition” age in the state of Wisconsin, when
students with special education begin participating in their post-high school
plans (IEPs), she took his IEP and put it into a PowerPoint format with
language and graphics that made it understandable for him. We <3 her and
will be so sad that she won’t be on his team next year, but glad for those
students whose lives and families she’ll touch in the years to come.
My favorite teacher is my husband, who was just honored as a MMABSE Teacher of
the Year this past weekend. So proud of the work he does as a special ed.
teacher, he truly makes a difference every day.

Melissa: My most inspirational teacher was my sixth grade teacher, Mr.
McGee. He was great and made me strive to be excellent in everything I do. He
wouldn’t let me stop until I reached my goals. He pushed us students to be the
best we can be, and to this day I thank him for being such a great teacher!
Thanks, First Stage, for letting me share my story.
My most inspirational teacher was my fourth grade teacher, Miss Sincere. She
gave me my first ‘B’ grade and hugged me when I cried over it. She taught me
that I wouldn’t be able to coast through everything, and if I really wanted
something, I would have to work hard and be thorough. I wouldn’t always be the
best or get what I want, but it’s worth trying. That is still how I approach my
My most inspirational teacher was Mrs. Schwantes, my third grade teacher. She
found fun ways to help us learn – daily creative writing prompts,
choose-your-own adventure read-alouds, coupled by hands-on projects. She also
frequently shared her favorite children’s books with us from the Milwaukee
Public Library which we could then re-read. Perhaps what I learned most from
her was the joy of learning . . . and of teaching. I started to “play school,”
creating a yard sign for my parent’s front lawn to begin what has since evolved
into me being a first grade teacher. I continue to love to learn and teach!
Ms Look, my middle school science teacher, is my most inspirational teacher.
She is kind, helpful, and so joyful. She taught me so much more than science. I
am grateful for her everyday, and I am happy we are friends.
Sandy: My
most inspirational teacher was my seventh grade teacher, Mrs. Holton. Not only
did she demand proper English at all times (written and spoken), but she
encouraged self confidence and independence in one’s thoughts and actions. I
didn’t appreciate her strict attitude at the time, but I certainly do now.
Julie: My most inspirational teacher was Mrs. Rand, who taught me
when I was in first grade (30 years ago). She will soon be celebrating her 80th
birthday. She is the most kind, gentle, nonjudgmental, and patient person I
know. I was blessed to have a teacher that turned into my friend!
Do you have a favorite teacher that you would like to add?
Share with us by commenting on this post! We’d love to hear how your teachers
have inspired you!
One lucky respondent, Kate, was chosen at random to win four tickets to see DIARY OF A
WORM, A SPIDER AND A FLY this weekend. Come see the worm, the spider, and the
fly learn lessons from their teacher and each other as they boogie out one last
For tickets and more information for DIARY OF A WORM, A
SPIDER AND A FLY, visit www.FirstStage.org.
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