From Director Kelly Doherty: THE LEGEND OF ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS

10:20 AM
Director Kelly Doherty 

On the surface, THE LEGEND OF ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS seems to be a kooky musical about a bunch of inanimate objects singing, dancing and battling each other in some very ridiculous and over the top scenarios. And, it is a kooky musical about all of that, but it really is so much more. It’s about friendship, bravery, teamwork and overcoming challenges.

A few years ago, on my golden birthday, I made a deal with myself I was going to start doing things that scared me or challenged me. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has forced me to go outside my comfort zone so many times. It wasn’t always easy. In fact, sometimes it was downright scary, but along the way I have met some amazing people and experienced some amazing things.

That sense of self-discovery and willingness to challenge oneself is one of things that really resonated when I read this script for the first time. It's something I wish I had embraced earlier in life, which is why I’m glad the young performers got to dive headfirst into this zany piece that is chock full of challenges, on and off the page. We worked and created together, and we ended up with this little piece that's full of heart and friendship – and a few dad jokes for good measure.

My hope is you walk away from this show with a smile on your face, and the realization that it is good to surround yourself with people who not only love you for who you are, but who also challenge you to be the best version of yourself.

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