Great Grandpas Galore

15 years ago
by Nick Gray, First Stage Children's Theater Young Performer

First of all, I just want to say that being cast in a First Stage production is just about the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me! When Desiree Rosas called to tell me that I was “Meanie Jim” in Junie B. Jones, I screamed so loud that I’m sure that the whole neighborhood heard me! My face actually started to hurt because I couldn’t stop smiling for about 3 weeks.

Junie has great grandpas. Both of my grandpas are awesome. Believe it or not, they are BOTH “Grandpa Jerry,” but one of my grandpas, Grandpa Jerry Schwerm, lives right here in Mequon. Grandpa Jerry has been very sick this past year, but he still comes to see all of my shows, even when he’s not feeling well. It means a lot to me when I see Grandpa Jerry & Grandma Judy sitting in the front row.

My other grandpa, “Papa,” lives in Michigan and tries to come to many of the shows that I am in too. “Papa & Nana,” Jerry and Mary K Gray, have taken me on some very special trips to interesting & fun places like Africa and Boston, MA. I am so excited that BOTH of my grandpas are coming to see Junie B. Jones!

Junie B. has such a funny way of naming people and animals. Junie B.'s 'nick'name (ha!) for me in real life would be "Make a Joyful Noise Nick!" When I was five years old, after playing the frog in The Frog in the Kettle, I told my mom that the next year, I should probably just be in the choir, because being the frog in the kettle was a pretty big job and I needed to rest! Plus, I wanted someone else to have the chance to be such a “big part!”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wonderful Show Nick! We wouldn't miss being in the front row not to miss a minute of enjoying you! You were always a happy, delightful boy and we love you so very much....hey, you are a great actor, for you to be a mean kid is really acting! You are without a doubt the sweetest, kindness, most thoughtful child in the world....our ray of sunshine indeed!

Love Grandpa Jerry (Mequon) and Grandmom Judy

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