Look who joined us onstage during opening weekend of THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER!

15 years ago
Sitting in an audience is usually a passive experience. But for a few well-known Milwaukeeans who found themselves yanked onstage during last weekend's opening production of THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER, sitting was not an option. Please enjoy these photos from opening weekend of our walk-on guests who amused audiences with their good-natured participation in improvisational theater.
Actress Molly Rhode tells young audience member Blair Cruikshank and her mother, Olympic gold medalist Bonnie Blair, about her recent success in the "Jogging for Jesus" race. Rhode conspiratorially nudged Miss Cruikshank, and with a wink, expressed hope that maybe someday her mom might win a race too!
Van McNeil of 99 WMYX FM wowed the audience by using his "radio" voice.
WISN news anchor Joyce Garbaciak chats up Molly Rhode.

99.1 WMYX co-hosts Kidd O'Shea and Elizabeth Kay prepare to "make it burn".

Actor John McGivern brings his beloved homey charm to the stage and gets lots of yuks out of the audience.

Photos of Molly Rhode, Teddy Warren, Jeff Schaetzke and walk-on guests taken by Michael Warren.

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