From the Director's Chair: A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS

Learn from First Stage Artistic Director Jeff Frank on what makes A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS the perfect holiday celebration for the entire family.
Jeff Frank and Charlie Brown, title character of many a Peanuts gang television special, have one thing in common – they are both directors of a Christmas play. We sat down with Jeff before today’s rehearsal of A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS to get the inside scoop of what First Stage audiences will look forward to this holiday season.
We’ve all seen it on TV countless
times. What are some little-known facts about the original television special
from which A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS is based?
At his core, cartoonist Charles
“Sparky” Schulz was a genius and a consummate storyteller – that is why his
work is so endearing and has been so enduring. Despite network misgivings about
the special when it was first set to air in 1965, A Charlie Brown Christmas turned out to be the highest rated
Christmas special in history. So, what the network thought would be a one-time
special (that they aired only because they had already paid for it) has become
an iconic part of the holiday season for countless children and families.
It is interesting to note that Schulz and the television special’s director were both adamant that actual children should give voice to the beloved characters. They couldn’t fathom adults speaking the words and felt that young people would give the piece more humanity and truth. As a professional theater for families that espouses the same philosophy with our age-appropriate casting, we couldn't agree more – and we are thrilled to bring Sparky’s classic Christmas tale to theatrical life.
What do you want audiences to look forward to in A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS?
We are blessed to have the
incomparable Jack Forbes Wilson at the piano to bring Vince Guaraldi's magical
score to life. The music is the heartbeat of the show. First Stage veteran Matt
Daniels reprises his role as Snoopy. Matt is an amazingly adept physical
performer, and it has been a blast to sort out Snoopy's comic antics with him.
Can't wait for audiences to join the fun.
But at the center of it all, there is Charlie Brown, an Everyman struggling to comprehend what Christmas is really all about. Buried under the trappings of the commercial holiday season, Charlie has to dig deep to rediscover the true spirit of Christmas. But with a little help from his friends, he does – and the audience gets to share in that joy.
made its First Stage premiere in 2015 to record-setting audiences. How will
this year’s production be different?
Anytime we revisit a show, we try
to find ways to make the story clearer, more complete, so that is our goal this
time around – from all the design aspects to each acting moment on stage. I can't
give you too many specifics at this point, but I can promise the team is
working extremely hard to make the show as wonderful as possible.
How does this classic from the 1960s resonate today, more than 50 years after the original television special?
Well, the holiday season
certainly hasn't gotten less commercial. So, the message of the show is needed
even more today than ever before. I urge people to take some time as a family.
Stop for a moment. Come together to see this heartwarming production and
collectively reflect on the season and your family and the love you have for
each other. I promise you'll leave with a bit more joy in your heart - then go
out and spread that joy, the world needs it.
Find the joy of the holidays with your family at A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS, at the Marcus Center’s Todd Wehr Theater November 24 – December 31. Find details and tickets at
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